Felix week 27

There was a zombie apocalypse in the year 2055. The zombies advanced swiftly and soon the apocalypse was global! There were only two people left. Their names were Alex and Felix. They were 2 vs 7.4x ill ion zombies! "Yo Felix!" Alex said "The'yr coming!"
"Let me guess," Felix moaned. "Creepy crawlies."
"Yup" Alex replied. "Let's go!" Suddenly, a hand burst through the door! POW!!!!! A razor sharp pointy metal object dashed through the air and down went the zombie. They dashed off. Although they ran quickly, they still didn't make enough progress. "Dude" Alex said "run! I'll fight back the creepy crawlies!"  


  1. Felix, well done for building the excitement. In the beginning I wasn't sure how the piece would unfold but I was not expecting creepy crawlies that could kill zombies! This has the makings of a really good story and I would love to read more. Will Alex fight the creepy crawlies or will they join forces to defeat the zombies? Keep up the good work!

    Ciara (Team 100)
    Wicklow, Ireland


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